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Founding Partner 2007-2024 / Retired Consultant

Glenn Stairs

Glenn Stairs

Glenn began his career in the construction industry in 1975 as a laborer for a local company in his hometown of Fredericton, New Brunswick.

He enrolled in trade school in 1976. After spending a year learning the basics of the Carpentry trade, he was offered a four year apprenticeship. At the end of year three, his employer suggested he forgo a fourth and encouraged Glenn to write for his Red Seal License. After writing and passing the test, he began his career as a Journeyman in the trade.

Over the decades, Glenn has been lucky enough to work all across Canada. From commercial to residential, Glenn has spent a lifetime overseeing a vast array of new construction and renovation projects.

Proudly a partnership was formed with his son and apprentice Kevin in 2007, and that is when Glenwood Construction was born. Glenn feels that “the combination of our different skills and strengths is the company’s greatest asset. Together we provide the type of care and attention to detail that is paramount to a great customer experience. We take pride in a job well done and joy in the fulfillment of our client’s dreams”.